File Structure
bash1eISBN.epub ## eISBN to be supplied by Firebrand2/ META-INF3container.xml4yy-mm-dd_modified_for.txt ## for title updates or error corrections reported in file5mimetype6/ OEBPS7/ audio ## Found in enhanced ePubs8content.opf9/ css10epub3.css11/ font12/ img13Cover.jpg14titlepage.png15/ js16/ smil ## Found in enhanced ePubs17/ text18toc.ncx19toc.xhtml20/ video ## Found in enhanced ePubs
FIle Naming Convention
The final ePub should be named by it's 13-digit eISBN and the naming convention should have no spaces or dashes, example:
978 x xx xxxxxx x.epub
Uploading Source Files
A directory named orig
should be created: This directory should store any files that were used to develop the title such as PDF, cover, links or fonts. It is ok to create a cover directory for all supporting cover files.
A directory named final
should be created: This directory should contain the title in an ePub format named by what is found in <dc:identifier id="isbn-id">
field such as 13-digit-eisbn.epub or lin.epub. Cover named by what is found in the <dc:identifier id="isbn-id">
. Final and finished PDF that is named by what is found in the <dc:identifier id="isbn-id">
The following files should not exist in the final
- OPF file by itself or OPF file from the Firebrand script.
directory- PDF with crop marks